Optimizing for mobile


Resnap, subsidiary of Albelli group, innovated on the photo book market by using AI to select your best photos and generate beautiful page layouts. A personal photo book, ready within a minute.


The concept is clear: Minimal effort, maximal output. Technically the solution worked, but there was one major oversight. The application was not optimized for mobile. With the main customer base coming from Facebook - a mobile first platform - this was a major blocker for growth. The goals going forward:

  • Mobile first, responsive design
  • Quick and fast iterations
  • A/B test everything. Data-driven decision making

First iteration

Photo books are inherently personal and the reference point of that personal connection are the photos of the customer. Ensuring photos are displayed in the best way possible is key. The photo book and its photos should take up the maximum space alloted.

Comparison of old cover page Comparison of old edit mode

Responsive design system

A design system helps to enable fast, incremental iterations. Having a powerful library of highly reusable and customizable components is key for effective product development. The first iteration established such system with a set of core components to solve for most scenarios.

Snapshot of some of the components from the design system

Analytics platform

Besides using the first iteration to make a leap in user experience, it doubled as a starting point of unified, standardized analytics. In order to validate, accurate data is needed with the same semantic meaning across disciplines and services.


With everything in place, experimentation could commence. There were a solid backlog of experiments lined up, but the most significant one was changing the way photo books are edited and streamlining the checkout process.

Interactive way of editing photo books: the cover view Interactive way of editing photo books: the edit modus


The brand image of Resnap was on-trend but felt static and serious. More fitting to an insurance company than a photo book company. With small tweaks the UX was improved, as wel as making the visual language more playful. Creating a photo book is fun and the product should enforce this message

With small tweaks, the look become more playful


After one year of active development, multiple iterations and countless experiments the results speak for themselves. Time till conversion halved due to increased efficiency and better user flows. Total conversion increased significantly as well as the average order value. The gap in conversion between desktop and mobile was almost completely closed.

Results speak for themselves